Www.Renewed Hope: Relief is Coming Soon.Com

Www.Renewed Hope: Relief is Coming Soon.Com

If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today 
 Nhat Hanh

Www.Renewed Hope: Relief is Coming Soon.Com

I am aware of your pains and the hardship you are going through! But just exercise more patience, relief is coming soon.!”_``` These are the words of Asiwaju. On the 29th May, 2023, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu was sworn-in to office as the 5th democratically elected president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria sequel to the return of democracy in country in 1999, after the country's long period stride in the path of rdemocracyin. 
However, in his inaugural speech, President Tinubu officially broke the news of the long-awaited fuel subsidy removal that has been lingering in the corridor of power in Nigeria. Indeed the corrupted fuel subsidy policy had been a bottleneck in the Nigeria's journey to prosperity. 

Hitherto, perhaps Mr President is not naive to bitter truth that every developmental strides often times comes with a harsh repercussions. 
Thus far, in President Tinubu's people sensible character, he keeps coming up with innumerous remedy policies to cushion the adverse effects of the fuel subsidy removal. Amongst which, including, but not limited to, food palliative measures, unprecedented states and local governments monthly grand allocations, N5b palliative packages to the 36 states of the federation, among others. 
The radical approach to tackling the security challenges of the President Tinubu's Renewed Hope-led Federal Government can not be overemphasized. An additional addendum is his paradgim shift in the country's piscal and monetary policies. To this end, if we can nostalgically reminisce the old good days when an old woman can carry a container full of gold and walk safely from every nooks and corner of the country, we can still maintain our Renewed Hope in President Tinubu's “relief is coming soon! 

Hon Yazid Inuwa MK Northeast Zonal Coordinator 
Tinubu Support Movement (TSM) 

11 February, 2024


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