RENEWED HOPE AGENDA: Dr. Betta Edu's Paradigm Shift in Humanitarian Front

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
— Mahatma Gandh

The renown Indian civil rights activist, Mahatma Gandhi, in his comradely appearances, some decades ago, maintained that, “the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others“. 

Having subscribed to the above Gandhi's philosophy, the Honourable Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation is currently changing the narrative of Nigeria's humanitarian services enigma. 

Scientifically, Dr. Betta Edu is currently taking pragmatic approach to finding a lasting panacea to the Nigeria's Multi-faceted Poverty Index (MPI), winning the warfare in the Nigeria's enigmatic humanitarian front.

For any lady in Dr. Betta Edu's league, to be capable of making headway to limelight, perhaps one cannot afford to be naive to the simple fact that, she must have vigorously protruded herself to penetrates the Nigeria's men-dominated world of politics.

However, the feat she attained and the record she set, hitherto, yet unchecked, must not be unconnected to her selflessness, kinderheartedness, resilience, and above all, I her doggedness.

Hon Yazid Inuwa MK
National DG, Betta Edu #GreaterNigeria Project / Zonal Coordinator (NE), TSM 
4 Oct., 2023


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